Advanced to the Top 5

Hudson Wyatt

Everyone wants to say hello and he loves waving at everyone he sees! The happiest and calmest boy


Currently 5

in their Group

You decide who will star in an exclusive ad campaign in Good Housekeeping and take home $25,000

Voting for Group Finalists ends Thursday the 24th of October at 7PM PDT

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About Hudson Wyatt's personality

He loves to play outside & in the water. Hudson loves to play with his daddy and puppy and saves the cuddles for mama. He’s ticklish under his arms and has the sweetest laugh. Social butterfly already, waving at everyone & wants to play with all the kiddos at story time.

What are Hudson Wyatt's favorite activities?

Playing with his toy train, splashing in the pool or bathtub! Stroller rides around the neighborhood, crawling all around the house chasing his puppy. Hudson loves the swings at the park and playing in the grass.

How would $25,000 impact your family?

Would help tremendously with bills and groceries. Due to childcare costs and not living close to family, we are a single income household. If we were fortunate enough to get chosen that would take a huge financial burden off us and be able to put money away for Hudson.

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Colossal is a nationally registered professional fundraiser that inspires people to advocate for themselves and those in need. Through online competitions like Baby of the Year, Colossal offers participants the opportunity to make their mark while also making a big impact.

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